Hello there! I'm Cheryl and I'm 18 this year. I live in sunny Singapore, and I'm currently a student at UTAS.

I have a huge passion for blogging, and I've been blogging since the age of ten. I also love reading blogs because I love learning what other people think, and learn from their experiences.

I'm also an active blogger on Dayre where I post most of my photos, especially photos of food. Dayre's like my second snapchat!

I'm also a proud VEGAN. Vegan for the animals, for compassion, for the people, for my health, for my conscience and for this beautiful planet. If you're interested, you can read my vegan story here.

That being said, I LOVE eating natural and wholesome foods. And I believe that everyone should nourish their bodies, not punish them. My favourite food is salad, and I eat most vegetables and ALL kinds of fruits! I love waking up in the mornings and making breakfast for myself. I might be obsessed with BANANAS and peanut butter though, oops.

I have a huge passion for photography, but most of the time I'm lazy. So...which means my photos may or may not look nice (but beauty is in the eye of the beholder right?) hehe.

I absolutely love travelling. I love the beauty of clear blue seas, fine sand beaches, cold weather, hearty soup and discovering new things. I love learning. One of my life goals is to travel around the world and meet different people, connect with them and learn new things everyday.

I have many dreams, but ultimately I just want to be a happy being. I want to meet genuine people and have heartfelt conversations with them, think positively and spread happiness to everyone out there.

I'm constantly filled with gratitude, and I'm just so thankful for this life and everything that has happened throughout those 18 years. I'm especially thankful for my family and friends, for their endless support and encouragement, for their love and care, and whatever they have done for me. I'm thankful for all the lessons I've learnt and all the mistakes I've made because if not for them, I wouldn't be who I am here today. Most importantly, I'm grateful for all my past experiences and every single event - thank you life.

With that said, I've started #daysofgratitude on 19 January 2016 and I'm going to do reflections and blogging daily on this site.

First, happiness comes from within. I've been learning more and more each day, and I'm currently on a pursuit of happiness. And I believe that the happiest people are the most beautiful ones.

"Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire."
