happy father's day
happy father's day to the most amazing dad in this entire universe, my greatest hero, my favourite man in the world & to my one & only daddy.
i can't remember what i did on father's day last year, but i remembered that i've never actually celebrated father's day with you before. i mean, giving you a father day's present and treating you to dinner & giving you a card (or something like that).
i know you won't ever read this & you never will, but i'm still dedicating this post to you & i'm going to do the same every year.
just know that i'm still missing you loads & i think about you almost everyday, and i still wonder how you're doing.
went through some of our photos today and teared a little while i saw the smile on your face in our photos together.
i'll never ever forget you in my entire life & i'll always hold our memories close to my heart.
i love you,
but i miss you more.
happy father's day daddy.