DAY FIFTY-NINE #346daysofgratitude
Woke up to a gloooooomy morning in Hobart. It was drizzling heavily even before I stepped out of the hostel, and at that moment I realised I made the best decision today to wear SLIPPERS. It's kinda funny how I dress up on Fridays because I mean, it's a FRI(YAY) but I wear slippers to Uni's friday, a lazy day ahaha. Today we took a longer time to the Uni, because the bus we usually take just drove past without picking us up lol, so we took a bus to the city and transferred after.
Had a three hours long English class in the morning today, and because I was using my phone in class (not a good role model, please don't follow ahaha) I read this article from Thought Catalog and thought that it was SO RELATABLE. It just gave me an idea, or perhaps an answer, to the question I had (and have) in mind for quite some time now. Maybe it's just pure coincidence, but man I sure do love TC! They have the best writings ever. So here it is:
Ahh what a beautiful writing. Anyhoo, back to my day:
Ahh what a beautiful writing. Anyhoo, back to my day:
Then after having hummus sandwiches, some clif bars and granola bars during Math class, school finally ended after a long day. :) I actually wanted to go to the Twilight Market after school, but after learning that Christy was going to cook dinner for tonight I decided to just get back home hahah. I had two rounds of dinner because I was just so famished, and I actually ate the first round in less than five minutes and so when I walked to the kitchen and asked for more, Christy asked, "Cheryl did you pour all of that down into your stomach?" Ahaha. Then after dinner Fathin and I went to Coles for friday night grocery shopping and I bought: soy milk, sweet potato cashew dip, pumpkin soup, vegan lentil burger patties and vegan shower soap heheh. But after I came back I realised that the sweet potato dip contained eggs in them so I was a little bummed, so I gave them to Tristan ahah. Afterwards I had to settle some stuffs regarding my upcoming Melbourne getaway for next week, and thank god for Aniq's help! He's really so kind and helpful heee. :) So with his help everything was settled pretty quick and so I got back to my room and chilled for the rest of the night. Basically just talking on the phone and spending some quality alone time reading articles and writings, WHOOP. Can't think of a more chilled friday night.