2017 resolutions


Writing this not because I think I'll stick to them and accomplish anything, but just to write down some of the things I wish to do.

Just yesterday I reposted this article from TC on my dayre, and it's titled "17 things to let go of in 2017". I earnestly hope everyone would use their free time to read it - it will only take at most ten minutes. You can find this post here or on TC!

Before I start writing, I just want to wish the person who's reading this now a blessed year ahead! May 2017 be a better year for all of us and a year worth living for.

"May 2017 bring you,
unbridled joy,
rampant happiness,
unrestrained laughter,
the courage to make bodacious choices,
and to take undaunted steps forward,
may you have courageous thoughts
unwavering faith 
and a steadfast love in all that you are and all that you're becoming."

I wish you nothing but an abundance of happiness and joy in your life. Laugh more, and fret less.

17 things I wish to do this year:

1. May I always find gratitude in the little things and be thankful for something everyday.

Actually ever since I embarked on #346daysofgratitude last year, I found myself gravitating a lot more towards gratitude and it turned me into a more appreciative person. It's true that most of the time I seem to be riddled with life's problems and be more pessimistic than everyone else, but even on the bad days I could still find things to be grateful for. Like having someone to be there for me to listen all my troubles, or knowing that I still have my family and friends back home always on standby for me, or just simply cherishing the fact that I have a roof above my head and enough food to feed myself. 

So this year, I hope that I'll never stop finding a reason to be thankful for (even) the littlest things in life.

2. To do well in University.

In fact I'm starting University next month in Feb and I'm SO not ready for it. Like, I can't even believe that I'm soon becoming an university student..like where has all my child and teenage life been. And because I'm starting on something I've NEVER done before in my entire life / something I've never thought of doing, it worries me because I don't know if I'll be able to cope. Hopefully, very hopefully, I'll fall in love with my course and do (fairly) well in it. I hope I don't fail any assignments LOL oops. And I don't want to disappoint anyone or myself or waste any money so I NEED to do well.

3. To always find time to skype/facetime my family no matter how busy I am.

This is pretty easy since I'm pretty sure I'd miss them a lot, but it's just one of my resolutions in case I fail or anything. Because who knows, I might get really busy after uni starts and maybe won't even have enough sleep every night. But seeing them always brings a smile to my face so..I'll do it more often!

4. To manage my finances well.

This is really important especially since I'm living abroad alone and only I can manage my own money...and I was never a thrifty person to begin with so managing my money would be really important, since my expenses would be so much higher here. I do hope that I'd be able to find a job next year and work part-time so that I can cover some of my expenses but I doubt it will even be easy to find a job. Well, fingers crossed!

5. To have my braces taken off, like FINALLY.

Okay I don't even know why I emphasised on the word finally when it hasn't even been a long time since I started my braces journey. My dentist told me I could take them off by January/February this year but I'm a little apprehensive about that because I've heard of delays and also because it hasn't even reached the average two-years mark. If I remove them by Feb it would only be 1.5 years. But by hook or by crook I want them done by this year ahaha, preferably A-S-A-P.

6. To eat more FRUITS and vegetables/eat healthier.

I haven't been eating a lot of fruits ever since I came here because I loooove tropical fruits and there's a scarcity of them here. Just kidding, saying that it's scarce would be an exaggeration but tropical fruits just aren't as nice and they aren't available everyday/everywhere and lastly...they are expensive. Bananas have been my staple! I think it will be the same for the next three years here lol, but I hope I'll eat more fruits anyway. AND less processed foods!

7. To always, always remember to de-stress whenever I need to.

This is really really important for me (and everyone else too) because stress can KILL. Like literally - it can be a trigger for diseases and it affects our mental health a lot. I hope I'll always make time to de-stress no matter how busy I am because I don't have a really strong mental health to begin with, so it's really crucial. I'd totally say "eat a sleeping pill and go to bed whenever I'm stressed so I don't have to face reality" but that isn't a healthy solution LOL.

8. To cry less.

Yes I've cried a lot in 2016 and IF ONLY tears could run out. I get sad really easily so I earnestly, earnestly hope that 2017 will be filled with less tears. Not that it's a bad thing to cry but because I don't wanna be sad all the time. (If crying makes you feel better, then cry it out.)

9. To be more courageous.

I wish I would have the courage to do things I never dared to, and to stop doubting myself about EVERYTHING. And to have the courage to say "I can do it" rather than saying "I don't think I can.." and the courage to say "No" instead of "Yes" all the time when I really mean it.

10. To travel more.

Okay this might be a little hard since I'm pretty certain that life will get busy once uni starts, but I hope I do find time to travel during my holidays anyway. I hope to visit other parts of Australia (Brisbane/Adelaide/Canberra) and New Zealand!

11. To move around more.

After a really active year in 2015 I completely stopped in 2016 - it was a really drastic change. So this year I hope I can find time to work out and be less sedentary. Hopefully join a gym if there's one nearby!

12. Be kinder to myself and others.

More often than not I forget to care about myself by always putting others first, and whenever it comes to problems and faults I'm always the first one to blame myself. I've also cried countless of times when I worried or doubted that I could live up to expectations people have of me, or the expectations I have for myself. I'd then blame and hate myself for it. I realised it's a vicious thing to do because it's important to love yourself. Love yourself by prioritising your needs over others when you should, not blame yourself when things go wrong and treat yourself like how you'd treat others. And I hope this year I'd be less judgmental towards uncouth people and criticise less.

13. To blog consistently and vlog occasionally.

I hope I'll write often and record more memories in my phone/camera. 2016 has probably been the year I've blogged the most (mostly because of #346daysofgratitude) and I hope this year would be the same even after it ends.

14. To spread more awareness about veganism and promote the benefits of a plant-based diet.

NOT by preaching. Last year, I was pleasantly surprised to receive messages from some people telling me that they have switched to a plant-based diet/eat less meat because of me, and honestly that has never crossed my mind because I've never forced or lectured anyone on veganism. So this year I hope I continue to do my own thing (on @ryleats) and share more recipes to show that veganism can be really easy. I also hope this year my loved ones around me would stop eating less meat and incorporate more greens and plant-based food into their diet mostly for their health.

15. To learn a new language.

I've said this before in one of my previous posts and I doubt I can find any time to do so this year but let's just do it as a "life resolution" instead. I hope by this year I can understand Korean a lot more and also brush up my English!

16. To learn a new instrument.

Not sure if I've ever mentioned this here but I really do want to re-learn piano and learn how to play the cello one day. It's another #liferesolution and something I want to do before I die, so...

17. To spend less time on my phone and spend more quality (people) time.

Be it quality time for myself or with others. It's so sad how our attention is constantly consumed by ephemera. I hope I'll meet new friends and have close friends I can have genuine and heartfelt conversations with. "People" time is important. (And so is "me" time!)


And I guess that's a wrap! Fingers crossed, for a good year ahead. 

Have a good year ahead y'all   x

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