DAY SIX #346daysofgratitude
I woke up feeling so HAPPY today. I felt so refreshed, and felt nothing short of energy. I think it was because I had a really peaceful sleep last night (no dreams no nothing). I didn't really do anything much today because I literally spent my whole day playing Mahjong with my family, hahah. Also, today's most probably the last time I can see my favourite six grandaunt before I leave for Aus, and I really do hope my grandparents and grandaunts stay healthy and happy during the time I am away. This afternoon I really wanted to head to the pool to suntan, but I ditched the idea after I thought that I should spend family time today instead, because I mean, what can be more important right? So after lunch, we played all the way till dinner time and rested a bit before playing another round. Lunch was my 8-minutes-meal again, and I had my leftover curry and veggie balls with rice. Dinner was luffa stir-fry (omg luffas I love you so), chives dumplings and RICE. Oh how I love rice. Oh and, dessert was Golden Day's SESAME SNAPS, which were so sweet and crispy at the same time. I literally ate half the packet at one go because, because. Because..why not. Also, I have almost exactly two weeks left in Singapore, and even though it sounds kinda short (as compared to 'one/two months' left), I'm still super excited for Aus, maybe because my holidays are getting quite boring as well. I literally do nothing at home except eating, sleeping and rotting hahah. Sure do sound relaxing but it gets so boring over time. But since it's only two weeks left, I'm going to make full use of it (hopefully) by spending more time with my family, meeting up with friends, getting gifts, making cards and most importantly, PACKING. I actually haven't started packing at all.............well. On a side note, I have a feeling that I'm going to divert more attention, time and blogging here on this site instead of Dayre because I feel like it's more personal here. Who knows, maybe I'd stop using dayre soon, hahah. All in all, I'm really thankful for today and this weekend in general. Thank you life.