DAY TWELVE #346daysofgratitude
19:16NINE MORE DAYS. Finally it has gone down to a single digit, and today I came into a sudden realisation that I've not a lot of time left hahah. I've packed absolutely NOTHING, my letters and cards are barely half done and I haven't gotten everything I need for Aus. There's so many more friends I want to meet and so many more things to be done, so I have to start declining meet ups and dates because I really don't have time for that. And because of the fluctuating and pms-y weather lately I've not been feeling the best physically, since I've caught the flu bug quite recently and my stomach cramps aren't helping either. But then again, I'm not complaining either because I just want to take it slow for these remaining nine days. So this morning I woke up earlier than I usually do, mostly because I had many undone business since I was too exhausted to complete them last night. So after breakfast, I had more fruits and off I went to complete what I set out to do - WRITE CARDS. I wrote farewell cards for the girls I was meeting for lunch today and got their gifts ready all in less than two hours. I'm such a last-minute person, hahah. Even though that was the reason why I left house late and eventually had to take a taxi down to meet them, it was WORTH IT.
Today's lunch was in fact a farewell lunch for me, and it's also sadly the last time I'm probably going to see them until June, or maybe the end of this year. We had lunch at the best vegan joint in Singapore at nomVnom, and we ordered four different burgers to share. We also had sweet potato fries, potato balls and a slice of banana cake.
Look at this yummy GOODNESS. Anyhoo, there was a few minutes of silence again when we first started eating. I assumed that all of them were as hungry as I was, because honestly we took the longest time ever trying to take nice photos of the food hahah. As usual, I was the most talkative person in the group AGAIN, and this always happens whenever I go out with them. Every single time really, hahah.
This is Poh if you haven't seen her face already, and today's probably the fifth or sixth time I've met her thus far. We have been Instagram friends for probably more than a year now already, and I still remember the first time we met for lunch at The Boneless Kitchen when her holidays just started last year. She's just like a younger sister to me, but a good friend nonetheless. From the boneless kitchen, to our ice kachang, to the potluck, to Gokul's, to Cocowhip, to our vegan potluck, to Fill-a-pita, to Veggie cottage and to today's nomVnom, we have certainly grown a lot closer. In fact, I wished we could have met earlier, but life always has its own way of doing things, hee.
This is Nicole, and this is probably the fourth or fifth time I've met her. She's two years older than me and I treat her just like a good friend and sister. She's so beautiful inside and out, talented and so hardworking in nature. She's definitely one of the most beautiful girls I've ever met, and I love the fact that we live near each other because that means we always get to go home together all the time. From your little bakes and sweet notes and company, thank you SO much.
And finally here's Ying Yan, and this is only the FOURTH time I'm meeting her. She's in fact a lot older than all of us and I really look up to her so much. In all honesty, I've been wanting to meet her for the longest time ever before we actually met. I just felt like we had this connection between us even before I met her in person, and it may sound eerie but it's really just as it is. We're so similar in many ways and I actually found it so hard to believe it at first, hahah. She's probably my twin sister or something, but I really admire her a whole lot. She's just so crazily beautiful.
I'm just so bad at words, but honestly I'm just so so so thankful I had this crazy chance of meeting and knowing them in person. I've met them since less than three months ago but somehow it just feel like I've known them for AGES. I feel so comfortable with them around, and these girls are nothing but like treasures to me. Adieu girls, thank you for the farewell lunch and meeting you girls have been nothing but a blessing. I really hope there comes a day we can finally get to travel and live out our dreams together.
And after hugging them for the last time, I got home and immediately sent them photos. I had heaps of rice with cabbage and my remaining last seven veggie balls for dinner, and now I'm just going to do nothing but just CHILL and probably start packing. Another day out today, but an incredible day nonetheless. Have a good night everyone!