DAY FOURTEEN #346daysofgratitude
EXACTLY A WEEK LEFT. Ever since the countdown has reduced to a single digit, time has become some sort of a ticking bomb, hahah. This week is going to be a pretty calm and busy one I suppose, even though I'm quite confused with all the dates because I've agreed to meet so many people last week and so my entire schedule is so mixed up, I don't even remember who I am going to meet on which day. But this week I'm going to meet JT, my uncle and aunt, Akina, Steph, Joylene, Kerie, Jon, Afiqah, Qianlin, Jiaying, Rachel, Lining, CCT and some other friends I may have missed out. Now looking at it I have no idea how I'm going to plan everything out well, but hah we will see how it goes. I think I'll only start packing three days before the trip, and somehow I know I'm going to regret rushing last minute but I know myself too well to know that I'd just spend my 'free time' procrastinating. WELLS. Last night I went to bed feeling so fuzzy and grateful because of something an anon said to me on my askfm, I was just so happy to know that she was turning vegan as well. It just made my day knowing that I inspired someone to make a change, and it made me so unbelievably grateful knowing that I made a difference, no matter how small it might be. And also because I successfully convinced a dear friend to start this #daysofgratitude journey for herself, it just made me even happier. Honestly, I urge everyone to try it if you can, because it did help me reflect more upon myself and my thoughts. I became more thankful even for the littlest of things, and now I find myself feeling grateful even for bad days as well.
It's the first day of February today, and January was really good to me and it ended on an especially good note because I heard from one of my friends that he has been a vegetarian for a week now, and he also told me that another friend of mine has recently turned vegan as well. It just made me so giddy with happiness after hearing that because it was just so unexpected of him. It also restored my faith in humanity a little, hee. Last night I didn't have a good sleep so I had to drag myself out of bed this morning. I made myself another bowl of peanut butter oatmeal and quickly got changed because I was running late for my dental appointment. My dentist polished my teeth for me and changed thicker wires for my braces, man they HURT like hell. They have been hurting for the whole day today, and sigh it's going to last for a few more days. WELL.
And so after dental I went shopping alone nearby and got meself some basics, a pair of shorts, bought some gifts for my family and friends, and finally HUMMUS. I've been craving hummus on toasts for the longest time ever, and so I finally bought them today. When I got home I immediately made some toasts with hummus, and my tastebuds were SO satisfied. After that I just chilled lying on the floor and left home in the evening to meet a friend. I finally met JT after more than half a year, and it was so nice seeing him again. We chatted for almost two hours and then it was time to meet my aunt and uncle for dinner, so I said goodbye to him and met them. I had some sushis, noodles and lots of ginger and talked to them about life in general. After dinner my brother and I went to the supermarket together to get two bunches of bananas, HEHE. We held hands and chatted happily while walking home. I'm just so thankful for having him, his company and all his love. What a lovely way to end today.