DAY SEVENTEEN #346daysofgratitude


Today was just another typical busy day out for me, but nonetheless a fun-filled and meaningful one. So the day started with one of the best breakfast ever: NANA ICE CREAM. I used a dessert maker and made a four-banana nice cream, topped it with berries and BAM it was amazing. I am honestly so tempted to just have nice creams for breakfast everyday from today onwards hee.

I FINALLY started packing today after I had breakfast, and man it was hella tiring. I filled one of the luggages up and I couldn't be more done after hahah. I'm a queen of procrastination whenever it comes to packing. Like y'know, less than five minutes into packing I'd just literally stone and stare into space. So after I gave up on packing for the day I made myself an acai berry smoothie, got changed and headed my way out to meet Steph. It was raining and I didn't have an umbrella with me, so this lovely girl actually walked all the way to the mrt station just to pick me up. We had an orange-banana-apricot smoothie bowl at Seed&Soil, which is probably one of her favourite places, if not her favourite hahah. We ate, talked about our current and future plans and finally took some photos together before we departed. It was a really short meeting but I enjoyed the smoothie bowl, our conversation and her company in general. See you again soon Steph!

After we said goodbye to each other I went to meet Jo, aka one of my favourite girls EVER. I just love how close we still are despite the fact that she left for Melbourne last year, and I am honestly so thankful to have someone over in Aus with me. We met for about one and the half hours and basically updated each other about our lives and current happenings since the last time we met (which wasn't too long ago hahah). She kept saying "I'm honestly going to miss you so much......wait NO, I won't because I'm going to see you so often" HEE. She said she can even buy a ticket and fly over to Tasmania anytime she wants, just to stay over for the weekend with me. Well I'm not sure how true that statement's going to be but we'll just see how it goes hahah. We made a deal too, and that deal is for me to fly over to Melbourne and stay in her house for about two days before we fly back to Singapore during our term break in June. Sounds like a pretty good plan to me, and the whole idea of knowing how close she's going to live from me just makes me SO EXCITED and flippin happy. I just love this girl SO MUCH.
She left for work at about 6:30 so I spent the next 50 minutes shopping for gifts alone before meeting Jiaying for dinner. I bought so many gifts and burnt a big hole in my pocket, but well this time round I got gifts for my family so it was worth everything. I got two polo shirts for both my grandpas, a turquoise bag for my sister since it's her favourite colour, a nike waterproof drawstring bag for my brother because the last time we cycled together his bag got soaked from the rain. That day he mentioned that he didn't have any waterproof ones so I finally got him one. I also got a white marble leak designed wallet and a pair of studs for my cousin who's currently staying over, a pair of long track pants for my lovely helper Lia and finally a pair of pineapple earrings my mum casually mentioned that she wanted for the upcoming Chinese New year, hee. I also got some gifts for my close friends and got meself a cap, a waterbottle, a tanktop and I really do need a new school bag but I have been putting it off for the longest time ever hahah. Honestly I'd rather buy three bags for my family than to spend one bag for myself. 

And after that crazy shopping I briskly walked over to the other mall to meet Jiaying. We bought a roll of sushi from Maki-San each and I got one more roll for my cousin's supper heh. After she got her Boost juice and I got myself some water, we took the food to the legendary i12 rooftop, none other than "our" place. It was our place since we were 14, and I remember so clearly the last time we came here. We were in our pinafores, we talked about lives, ran around the aqua playground, got ourselves soaked in our uniforms, danced and did splits out of nowhere. Those days were one of the most carefree ones in my life, and even though those carefree days were short-lived, I wouldn't trade those memories for anything else. On the other hand, it's scary how four years passed so quickly. Coming back to the same rooftop, the same place and seeing the same playground today really brought back so much nostalgia, and I could just imagine seeing my old 14 year old self running around the playground and laughing so heartily. And I know that the next time I return I am just going to reminisce the old times again, just like I did today.
We spent almost three hours at the rooftop just enjoying our dinner and talked like we always do. You know, she was the first friend I started having h2h talks with and that was probably when we were thirteen or fourteen. We always talk about the same things: guys, relationships, school, our future and our life in general. We can basically just talk about everything under the sun and each time I have her company it just reminds me again and again how grateful I am for her, for always being there and never leaving. She's just that kind of friend you would never feel awkward with when there's an 'awkward' silence in the conversation, the kind of friend you wouldn't mind pouring your heart to because you know she would never ever judge you for that. The kind of friend who knows what kind of future you would be happy doing even though you aren't that certain yourself, the kind of friend who understands you the most. Throughout these six years she has been there for me during my ups and downs, and I'm just so thankful for her. Shortly after we finished our sushis it started raining, so we ran for shelter and just continued talking. It was so comfortable, just being under a small shelter and talking about life. That kind of feeling is just so comforting and indescribable. It was such a beautiful night, and a lovely day in general. After I got home I gave my brother, my cousin and my mum their gifts and my brother gave me a hug to thank me for the gift and that was truly the best way to end the day. TIME TO PASS OUT. GOODNIGHT.

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